What was the most beautiful thing that you ever saw? Was it a sunset? a mountain range with fresh snow? clarity of ocean water? a spotted cheetah? or the perfections of a newborn baby? There are some images that are intuitively appealing and universally attractive . . There are some things that instantly move the heart to an “ah” moment or even a physical response of “breath-taking.” Take a minute and think about some of the things you are attracted to and then ask yourself why you are attracted to them. Is it because you have never seen anything so pristine, so perfect, so unified and complete as what was in front of you? St. Thomas Aquinas suggests that your response may be in part to the beautiful thing’s , harmony, proportion, wholeness , and radiance. 1 We seem by nature to be attracted to things possess ing these qualities and as well to those things that are without imperfection or limit . For Plato, men move through stag...
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