Here are the questions and answers for Teacher Formation Reading #2
“Appendix: Evidence of the transmateriality of human beings” in Ten universal principles: A brief philosophy of the life issues by Fr. Robert Spitzer SJ. Ignatius Press. (2011).
I. A.) What are the steps for the argument substantiating our desire for perfect and unconditional Truth?
1.)We recognize a phenomenon that there always seems to be “something more to be known” at the moment something becomes known. Ex. Asking continuous questions after receiving an answer.
2.)Within us exists an unrestricted desire to know all there is to know.
3.)We have an awareness that there is more to be known in every field of knowledge.
4.)We have a “Pre-knowledge” that an answer is incomplete even at high limits of intelligibility.
5.)The tacit awareness of “what is sufficient for an explanation of everything about everything” is always beyond any restricted intelligibility. The source of this awareness must be unrestricted intelligibility which cannot be a physical reality because it [a physical reality] is restricted by space, time, and other algorithmically finite structures. Therefore, it must be a spiritual reality which has no material restrictions. This unrestricted intelligibility “would seem to be the source of [one’s] tacit awareness of ‘what is sufficient for an explanation of everything about everything.’”
6.)One has a notion, or presence to consciousness, of complete intelligibility which is not inside one’s consciousness but held outside of one’s inner consciousness, “on the horizon.” This notion of complete intelligibility acts like a backdrop of unrestricted understanding when compared to one’s restricted understanding of things and thus, must be held or controlled by something.
7.)“The presence of the divine essence [the something], therefore, must be the impetus for [one’s] awareness of incomplete intelligibility; the impetus for every question, the impetus for every act of creativity.” This complete intelligibility is present to us at all time and spurs on the questioning for more.
Without this notion of an unrestricted and complete intelligibility, one would not ask questions of why, how, or what, but be left to biological opportunities and dangers – like an animal.
Thought Provoker
Where and how in our schools do we, or should we, experience this pursuit of “complete intelligibility” or truth?
Specific answers will vary, but they should focus on all classes and courses (content), the use of instructional approaches (processes), and experiences (such as the Sacraments) that allow for students to pursue truth.
II. A.) How is it explained that we come to possess a “sense” for perfect and unconditional love?
Like the notional awareness of complete intelligibility that gives rise to the dissatisfaction of incomplete intelligibility, we are dissatisfied with conditioned and imperfect Love and seek unconditioned and perfect Love.
B.) Why are we frustrated when we do not experience this perfection?
“Because our desire for love and to love is unconditional, but our actuality is conditioned…Our dissatisfaction would seem to arise out of an ideal of unconditional Love, which has neither been experienced nor actualized.”
C.) What happens when we fulfill our desire for perfect Love by
authentically loving God?
We simultaneously fulfill our capacity for self-transcendence.
Thought Provoker
Where and how in our schools is this human desire for love addressed?
Some answers might include: the display of care and empathy for others as exhibited by teachers, administrators, and students; the development of a familial environment where everyone is accepted and celebrated as a valuable member of the community; and a classroom management plan and school discipline policies that honor the dignity of the person.
III. A.) Define goodness.
Goodness here is used in the moral sense of right and wrong, good and evil; for the administration of justice.[1]
B.) Provide an example of our desire for perfect goodness or justice.
Children wanting things to be fair; victims desiring restoration of equity.
C.) Explain both the positive and negative sides of the desire for goodness.
D.) What happens when our desire for goodness is not reached?
“Our frustrated idealism reveals that we continually see the limits of any current manifestation of goodness and justice, which, in turn, reveals that we are already beyond those limits…it would seem that our desire is guided by a notional awareness of perfect, unconditional Goodness (Justice)” which cannot be satisfied by an imperfect world.
Thought Provoker
Where and how is goodness evident within our schools?
In the administration of materials, instruction, discipline, programs, and so forth.
IV. A.) Is man ever satisfied that he has attained ultimate beauty?
B.) What are the positive and negative effects of striving for beauty?
Positively, man is able to create outstanding artifacts; yet negatively, he always believes he could perfect his creation and becomes bored or frustrated when he is not satisfied or believes he has failed.
C.) Why does he feel this failure?
Because he has a notional awareness that there must be something more beautiful.
Thought Provoker
Where and how is beauty evident within our schools?
We incorporate discussions of beauty into all our classes; our school environment is beautiful, and things we produce are beautiful.
[1]See Caldecott and Adler readings for more on Goodness. “The good is that which is, at any given moment, appropriate, fitting, and right in relation to the objective situation” (p. 142, Caldecott).
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